What is SimplyAi?

What is SimplyAi?

What is SimplyAi?

Simply is a web app for businesses that transforms call transcripts into effective summaries that drive actionable insights. This innovative approach enhances efficiency, saves valuable time, and ensures consistency in administration tasks. By alleviating the burden of manual call management, Simply empowers users to concentrate on revenue-generating activities and deliver top-notch customer interactions.  

In pursuit of its mission to simplify work and amplify productivity, Simply strives to make the workday more enjoyable and efficient. With a vision to reignite humanity's passion for productivity, Simply is reshaping the landscape of business communication.

How to use SImplyAI? Your quick guide

How to use SImplyAI? Your quick guide

How to use SImplyAI? Your quick guide

Get started now by creating an account and logging into your Simply dashboard. First you'll need to set up a voice profile, so that Simply’s powerful AI can distinguish your voice from your conversation partner(s).  Now you are logged in, you can start by uploading an audio or video file of your meeting. Alternatively, you can use the recording applications provided by us, which will synch directly to your dashboard. 

Once you’ve input some basic conversation details like date, language,  type of conversation and attendee names, Simply will begin its analysis. Within minutes, a concise, accurate and action-point-led summary is produced, ready for input into your company’s CRM, shared file system or personal storage.  

What are the requirements to using SimplyAI

What are the requirements to using SimplyAI

What are the requirements to using SimplyAI

Simply is designed for businesses that frequently utilise structured phone calls for supporting customers, sales, or recruitment purposes and need to document these calls through tedious and repetitive administration. Simply is best suited for use in companies that have a high frequency of standardised calls and meetings which frequently follow a pattern. For example, Simply is being successfully utilised by:  

  • Recruitment agencies  

  • Software & Tech sales teams  

  • Customer support agents 

Which plan is best for suited for your needs? 

Which plan is best for suited for your needs? 

Which plan is best for suited for your needs? 

For those seeking a plan tailored to their specific needs, the choice depends on the level of features required.  

The Starter plan is perfectly suited for solopreneurs, freelancers, and small businesses looking to automate some of their administrative needs. At our lowest price point, this plan is great for those who want to quickly get started using Simply. It works best for those that are fine with using their own recording devices and don’t have the need for extensive export functionality. With this plan, you can process up to 20 hours of pre-recorded conversations per month, use our thoughtfully crafted template conversation profiles, and export your summaries directly into a word of PDF format.  

The Pro plan is our most popular subscription, used by small to medium-sized businesses who have an average of 2 hours per day of conversations that require administration. Pro plan users have full access to all of Simply’s recording tools, which will easily allow teams to record their face-to-face, videocall and VOIP-enabled phone calls. Our advanced template conversation profiles have been carefully crafted to fit the needs of most businesses in their category.  

The Business plan is best suited for businesses that have a large volume of conversations or a highly specialised data capture requirements. Some companies have such specific conversations that their needs aren’t met by the template conversation profiles offered by Simply, and in this case, Simply will work together closely with a company to create custom conversation profiles that perfectly fit your data capturing needs.

Finally, for enterprise-level businesses looking at purchasing more than 100 licenses, Simply offers a highly personalised procurement service. Enterprise customers often have unique needs, and Simply is happy to work with them to ensure we can meet them. At this level, Simply is able to offer specialised onboarding and training, premium support, enterprise-level data processing solutions, and much more. Please reach out to us to discuss the full range of possibilities and allow us to create a custom offering for your needs.  

Simply glossary  

Simply glossary  

Simply glossary  

Conversation profiles - These are set templates that Simply uses to create the most insightful summaries and are based on the type of conversation that has been had. For example, Simply currently offers 5 standardised conversation profiles: Recruitment candidate intake, recruitment job intake, sales discovery call, support and general meeting. Each of these has been carefully crafted to assist Simply in creating the most useful summaries.  

VOIP - VOIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It's a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of a regular (analog) phone line. VOIP can be used for voice calls, video calls, and other multimedia communication over the Internet.  

Calling hours – The amount of available recording hours, as defined by your active subscription plan. A conversation that is uploaded to the Simply dashboard will only be counted towards your recording hours once it is processed by the AI software. For more detailed information about how calling hours are counted, please see our Terms of Agreement.  

CRM integration - CRM or Customer relationship management is a tool that helps businesses organize and manage their interactions with customers, from contact details to sales opportunities, all in one place. Simply can be integrated seamlessly into your CRM so that conversation summaries are directly entered exactly where they need to be. 

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